domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Cat Breed

  • Abisinio
    The Abyssinian is a cat with a rather wild, his eyes and his fur characteristic marbled easily recall the face of the puma. Although it is a sociable and affectionate cat, an animal is also very active and independent can sometime justice of a more untamed look. Origin is believed that the Abyssinian is a direct descendant of ancient Egyptian domestic cat. The first units could have arrived in England in 1860 from ...
  • American Curl
    American Curl
    The American Curl cat is curled ears. This is a very young race, the first crosses were initiated in 1980. It enjoys great popularity in the United States and Europe gradually taking root. The American Curl combines the astuteness of his relative docility stray cat with cat breed. From every indication that race comes from various crosses with "Shulamith", a stray cat with long hair and curved ears casually in 1981 found some breeders Ca ..
  • Angora Turco
    Angora Turco
    The Turkish Angora, say many experts, could be the oldest cat breed and origin of many of the current. The truth is that these beautiful animals, and on record in several countries in the Middle East since Byzantine times. Anecdotally, the legend that the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, return to the world of the living reincarnated in a Turkish Angora. Origin The Turkish Angora is from Turkey. Its spread among countries ...
  • Azul Ruso
    Azul Ruso
    The Russian Blue is considered the most aristocratic of cats. Her beautiful hair, her bright green eyes and elegant walk are undoubtedly his best physical attributes and, if also add his calm and gentle voice, find the answer to so well deserved title. Origin The origin of the Russian Blue is uncertain, it is believed that this is an ancient breed of short hair, her skin was used in Russia to adorn collars and sleeves of coats. In the eighteenth century a co ...

  • Balinés
    "The elegance and grace of this cat reminds me of Balinese dancers" Helen Smith thought one of the first breeders of the previously called long-haired Siamese. Without being aware, just given the official name for this species, since then the Balinese term is used to refer to this friendly feline. Origin The origin of what occurred Balinese cross between Siamese and Angora. The first units are located in the U.S. during the forties it was not until 19 ...

  • Bengalí
    The Bengali is popularly known as the leopard cat, no doubt, by the physical resemblance to the wild feline. They are highly intelligent animals, curious and playful. They like water, a legacy of its wild ancestors. The bearing is elegant, but it looks strong, due to its musculature and strength of your bones. Origin Bengal Cat originated from the cross between a domestic cat and a wild, the Asian leopard cat (Felis Bengalis). Hac ...
  • Bombay
    At Bombay always likened to a miniature panther. This similarity is not free, the "mother" of the race, the American breeder Nikki Horner, was determined to create a cat as close as possible to their favorite character, Bagheera, the black panther endearing "The Jungle Book" of R. Kipling.El Bombay, despite being a cat extraordinary affable and easy to maintain, has not, at present, of its former popularity during the decade of the oche ...
  • Bosque de Noruega
    Bosque de Noruega
    The Norwegian Forest Cat is a magnificent home. It owes its look "warm", from the ears to the tip of the legs, the perfect adaptation to its former natural environment, the cold northern forests. Descendant of ancestral wild species, the Norwegian Forest has starred in numerous fables of Norse mythology. Origin The Norwegian Forest cats comes from though their ancestors were wild animals. The breed was recognized in 1930 but has ...
  • Británico de pelo corto
    Británico de pelo corto
    The British Shorthair or British Shorthair has reached high popularity rates in recent years thanks to his affable nature and his face stuffed animal, with big eyes and chubby cheeks. The best-known variety is the blue, similar to the Chartreux, while recognizing at least 17 coat colors. Origin It appears that the first cats came to Scotland from ancient Egypt. For over two thousand years, these cats camped and reproduced freely ...

  • Británico de Pelo Corto Azul
    Británico de Pelo Corto Azul
    The Blue British Shorthair or British Shorthair Blue is the variant in blue British Shorthair. Despite its popularity, not recognized as FIFE own race as with other race very similar, in terms refers coat, the Chartreux, of French origin. Both races were unified in 1967 because of the obvious similarities. Ten years later, in 1977, it decided to separate FIFE covered in genealogical claims presented breeders profession ...

  • Británico de pelo largo
    Británico de pelo largo
    The British is one of the most popular breeds and admired our days.The distinguish two varieties, the British Shorthair and the least known, the British Longhair, who despite being less popular than the variant short hair not be officially recognized in the UK, continually gaining fans among lovers of long hair natural. Origin The long-haired British born as a result of selective breeding made ​​with British short hair and Persians. ...
  • Burmés
    The Burmese is an ancient breed from Burma. It is a very sociable and affectionate cat, hence the deserved nickname "housecat". It is said that his personality is comparable to that of a dog, who loves family life and does not like to be left alone for long. Origin There are numerous legends of the fifteenth century that relate to this cat with monasteries existed in Burma, but was also widely used by Thailand. Back in our day ...
  • Burmilla
    The term Burmilla, as you can tell, comes from the combination of Burmese language and Persian Chinchilla breeds from which it comes. The silver cat as it is often called, is very popular, although the race, in its beginnings, was serious obstacles for genetic reasons. Origin The breed originated, fortuitously in the UK, the result of a cross between a cat and a chinchilla Persian lilac Burmese. The breed was registered by the CA (Cat Association of Britain) and ...
  • Cartujo
    The Carthusian in Castilian, or popularly known internationally as Chartreux cat is a big and quiet with an unmistakable mantle azul.Esta race, but has a specific and distinctive features, often is confused with the other big blue cat breed, the Blue British Shorthair. The main difference between them is in the shape of the head, nose and eyes. Blue British head has a rounded appearance, while Cartujo presents ...
  • Cornish Rex
    Cornish Rex
    One can say that the Cornish Rex is a genetic freak of a spontaneous mutation caused his curious wavy coat. From this fact, back in the 1950s in England, the Cornish Rex has continued to gain followers, his affectionate nature and ease of care make it an excellent and eccentric pet. Rex Origin The name comes from a breed of rabbits with the mutation that causes curly hair. The first Cornish Rex, Kallinbunker name, was born in ...
  • Devon Rex
    Devon Rex
    The Devon Rex belongs to one of the most unique cat breeds. Despite its resemblance to the Cornish Rex, both possess the peculiar Rex fur, hair short and wavy, Devon comes from a different gene, discovered ten years later. Since then, the Devon Rex has not stopped supporters adding character thanks to its docile and easy maintenance. Origin The first Devon Rex was discovered accidentally in the 60s, in the British county of Devon. Its characteristic pelaj ...

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